
1.having much knowledge; scholarly; erudite: learned professors.
2.connected or involved with the pursuit of knowledge, esp. of a scholarly nature: a learned journal.
3.of or showing learning or knowledge; well-informed: learned in the ways of the world.
4.acquired by experience, study, etc.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Moving Forward

So, one of my favorite artists has always been Israel Houghton from Israel and New Breed. Well recently (and by that I mean like 4 months ago) he came out with a solo album titled "The Power of One." Mos def one of my favorite cds by him so far. My absolute faaaavorite song on this project is "Moving Forward". Below I included 2 different versions. I was trying to decide today which version I like better (they're very very similar but one is him playing to a track and the other is real chill/ more acoustic .) You can decide which one you like best and let me know.

Anyway, what i learned today ( besides how to embed youtube videos in this blog) is word for word what Israel sings in this song:

Version 1:

Version 2:

Ain't no point in looking backwards. Past disappointments, relationships, struggles, failures, insecurities; etc, have passed away. There's a plan for my life that I will accomplish only by moving forwards. As Kirk Franklin put it at the gospel fest "bye bye bye bye bye..." ( i love kirk, he decided to rewrite the "na na na na" part at the end of imaginge me and replace those sounds with real words. i kinda always wondered why we were singin nonsense sounds to begin with, lol.)

Deuces...In Him

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